You deserve to have a loving relationship.
Do you have dating challenges?
Are you looking for a partner, but struggling to find the right person? Do you feel anxious when you go to meet someone new? Have you noticed you end up with the same type of person over and over and it never works out? Subconsciously, our past experiences can have a huge impact on the way we seek out a new partner. Sometimes, when a person’s past relationships with their family or prior partners are toxic, they unintentionally seek out the same type of unhealthy people, because that’s what feels familiar to them. I can help you explore what a healthy partner would look like for you and how to identify a partner that’s a great match. I will teach you about the specific red flags to look for, so you don’t end up in the same unhealthy relationship patterns that haven’t worked for you in the past.
The greatest wedding gift is premarital counseling
Couples are often good at planning a wedding, but they don’t always take the time to plan the most important thing… the marriage. There are a lot of fun ways to plan for your future as a couple. This opportunity is the biggest one of your lives. I can assist you in exploring your values and expectations for your marriage, along with teaching you how to appreciate your differences, while learning to problem solve your disagreements. Together, you can learn each other’s love language and the relationship skills needed to help you have a successful, loving, and fulfilling marriage that will last a lifetime.
Couples Counseling
All couples have ups and downs, but if your feel like you’re having more downs than ups, it may be time to do a relationship check in. Sometimes, improving communication skills, addressing unmet needs, letting go of past resentments and learning how to problem solve with kindness and respect can get your relationship back on a successful path.
Relationships are hard! There can be a lot of conflicts. Some issues in relationships stem from things like, financial problems, parenting disagreements, external family issues, value differences, constant disagreements, or infidelity.
Additionally, a healthy sex life is a fundamental part of a happy relationship. Great sex in a relationship isn’t always easy. A lot of things can derail a great sex life, such as, infidelity, parenthood, medical problems/medication side effects, low libido, lack of desire, sexual dysfunctions, sexual trauma, hormone changes, fatigue, pornography addiction and even boredom. However, with the right information your relationship can become better than ever.
If your relationship is struggling, don’t waste time that you could be spending happy and in love. Instead, let’s get started now, in reigniting the love you have for each other.
I use the Gottman Method in couples’ counseling
According to Dr. John Gottman, “Couples wait an average of six years of being unhappy before getting help.” Dr. John Gottman and his wife Dr. Julie Gottman have 40 years of research and clinical experience. They have been able to predict the couples that stay together by 93.6% accuracy. Therefore, due to their extensive research, I use the Gottman Method along with other treatment modalities while assisting couples in building successful, happy, and long-lasting relationships. During the initial intake, both partners will be encouraged to respectfully discuss the strengths and weaknesses in their relationship. While exploring their history as a couple and their relationship goals, both partners will be sent access to Dr. Gottman’s Relationship Check Up Assessment. This is a very thorough assessment that dissects the dynamics of the relationship. This assessment highlights significant areas that Dr. Gottman’s research has proven to make or break relationships. This is the template that will begin your journey of healing past hurts and learning how to reconnect with each other for a loving, trusting and fulfilling relationship.
Healthy Uncoupling
Sometimes, two people just aren’t good together. However, just because a relationship ends, it doesn’t mean it has to end in an angry, hurtful, or painful way. I assist clients in uncoupling in a healthy way, guiding couples to end their relationship with kindness, compromise, and respect. Healthy uncoupling will assist both partners in grieving the loss of their relationship, while maintaining positive communication and independence. If children are involved, then I will also help facilitate co-parenting skills, which your kids will thank you for one day. I believe the children and their wellbeing need to be the focus and top priority when uncoupling.